Projects by
Eva Brunner-Szabo (1961-2012) and Gert Tschögl

memoryPROJECTS is a museum without a building or any permanent place. It invades the public space. But memoryPROJECTS implies the tasks of a conventional museum: finding / collecting, preserving / archiving, presenting / communicating. It is also an artistic intervention, which triggers the recollection of the spectators. Since 1997 we worked under the label memoryPROJECTS. It is a work-in-progress.

Selected Projects

Calaf Project

This project deals with the memories of the Spanish Civil War.


Posters and texts on the history of Austrian Jewish refugees in Triest 1938. (German and Italian only)

Tagebuch der Republik

Posters and texts on contemporary history in public space in Vienna. (German only)

Recall Names

A digital memorial to the Jewish families of Burgenland.

Artist Biography

The Photo Collection

Get In Touch

Inquiries can be sent in English, German or Português.